Hora lagna is at the position of Sun at the time of sunrise. It moves at the rate of one rasi per hora (hour). In the rest of this book, horalagna will be denoted by HL. If sunrise takes place at 6:00 am and Sun is at 6s 4°47' then, horalagna is at 6s 4°47' at 6:00 am, at 6s 19°47' at 6:30 am, at 7s 4°47' at 7:00 am, 8s 4°47' at 8:00 am and so on. Horalagna moves at the rate of 1/2° per minute (i.e., 30° per hour).

The following method may be used for computing horalagna.
(1) Find the time of sunrise and sun's longitude at sunrise.
(2) Find the difference between the birthtime (or the event time) and the sunrise time
found in (1) above. Convert the difference into minutes.
(3) Divide the number by 2. The result is the advancement of horalagna since sunrise, in degrees.
(4) Add Sun's longitude at sunrise (in degrees) to the above number. Expunge multiples of 360° and reduce the number to the range 0°–360°.
(5) This is the longitude of horalagna (HL).

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